About us:
Bergtagna Instruments began in 2013 when founder Johan Tingne was taught how to build the Hankdrums/Steel Tongue Drums. Particularly this knowledge piqued an interest in instruments that has the possibility of creating immense atmospheric soundscapes that has a tendency to set the listener in a relaxed state. Instruments where imagination is the only limit to the areas in which they may be used. As of now our instruments have been heard in films, video games, on albums, in yoga studios, within sound healing sessions etc. During those first years of building Steel Tongue Drums we mainly travelled to markets and festivals in Northern Europe selling our instruments. It was also at this point in time when our live act (RMKS/CCLM) first formed as an output for our instruments. A way for us to display the instruments while also performing live.
7 years later, in 2019, we encountered the Cristal Baschet (invented by Bernard and François Baschet) 
which flamed a new spark in us. This nearly mythical instrument seemed almost impossible to get a hold on so building from the knowledge gathered from years of instrument making before, combined with all available information we could find, we set forth on the mission to build one for ourselves. From the beginning it was merely intended to be built as a very small version to be used when performing live with our live act. However the knowledge gained from the 2 years it took to build the first prototype, we simply couldn’t stop. The possibilities in size, shape and sound on these instruments keeps our interest piqued. 

Since 2019 we have constructed roughly 20 Bergtagna Cristals, for clients in 10 different countries all unique in their sounds, shapes and appearance. The possibility offered by the chance to devote our time fully to building instruments and performing on them is gladly put into the explorations of other instruments that can create those atmospheric soundscapes that at first got us into instrument making.
Thank you for your support, all the best / Johan
General Info

To visit and try the instruments on site or have us come and demonstrate them contact us on the contact page or at info@bergtagna.com. We are located in the countryside in South Sweden.
If you are discontent with your instruments for some reason, please contact us and we’ll do what we can to work it out. Instruments are expensive and we want you to enjoy them.

All instruments are also possible to order in A=432Hz (or other) if you contact us.

As with most instruments we recommend taking care of your gear.

Bergtagna Cristals:

The most sensitive part of the Cristal are the glass rods and so included in the price are several replacement glass rods if they happen to break. More are available to order if need be. 
All the metal parts are made from aluminium, copper and stainless steel and will have a long life expectancy without treatment.
Wash your hands with soap thoroughly before playing to remove grease and dirt. This makes a huge difference while playing. 
From time to time it is also recommended to gently wash the glass rods with denatured alcohol.
If for some reason tuning is required we will gladly assist you. Or do it for you for free if you are in the vicinity. Contact us and we will work it out.

Always included with all Cristals is a manual with information on how to assemble it, take care of it, tune it, replace glass rods, and more. The necessary tools for working on it are also included (4 spanners).
To order a Cristal it’s advisable to contact us first so we can come with an estimate on when it may be finished and ready for shipping to your location. We don’t ask for any payment until the instrument is finished and you have received photos and video demos of it. The we kindly ask for a pre-payment before shipping.
As a company we are highly driven towards meeting the requirements of our costumers, and we are not afraid to try things for the sole purpose of development and learning, so don’t hesitate to ask about any variations you are curious about.

Bergtagna Hankdrums/Steel Tongue Drums:

Included in price is 1 year of free tuning and/or service if something happens to the drum. The costumer is however responsible for the shipping in this case.

After 1 year a cost of 20€ (+shipping) will be charged for tuning and/or service.

We also offer the possibility of re-tuning a drum to a lower Hz, ie dropping the notes to a lower scale for the cost of 40€ (+ shipping).

The drums are treated with several layers of clear lacquer to prevent rusting. It is recommended to add another layer once a year to further help with this. Treating your instrument gently, by playing it softly and keeping it away from rain or humidity will prolong its life.
Bumps may be present on you drum. This is solely due to them being built from recycled materials and does not affect the intonation or general sound. 
For other scales than are listed, just contact us and we will build after your requirements and send you a video demonstration. No obligations to purchase.

Bergtagna Chimes:
The Bergtagna Chimes are highly adaptable to what type of tuning or scale is requested. Any scale is possible and we do enjoy trying scales that we haven’t tried before, so just contact us with any requirements. 

Always included with the Chimes is a manual on how to assemble them, and several mallets that are made to work optimally with your particular instrument.

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