Upcoming Seances:
-November 2nd in Folkets Park, Malmö, Sweden. 4pm-5pm.
The Catanic Congregation of Lucifox and Mousifer
The Catanic Congregation of Lucifox and Mousifer / CCLM is the output of the instruments of Bergtagna Instruments. It is the reason for building and developing the instruments we create. Together with guitarist Johan Frick (Night Viper, Lethal Steel), violinist Thea Åslund (Ill Wicker) and Jon Grumer we create the soundscape where the instruments play a significant part. It is an audiovisual experience, an involuntary sound healing session to heal you from the light.
For booking contact us through the contact page or via info@bergtagna.com
Since the yawn of time, long before Jesus’ girth in Goatlehem, people creatures have been searching for answers from extra special powers. Religions that worship a sea of different god-things have founded immense crowcietys of peepholes. But for some reason, womankind does not seem to become any jollier, nor wiser from all this mambojambo and jibberish but just keep on twisting and turning rocks and loins in the quest for ”faith”, as were it the sweetest of all honey dipped baby fetuses with chocolate sprinkles on top.
During this vast space of time, one group of holy moly folk have however managed to medicate buddhism back from nirvana, participated in grand penelopecruzefiction parties during rabadamidan while the easturd bunny puts groins in santa’s toothless lap.
Join us when The Catanic Congregation of Lucifox and Mousifer performs a seance older than the force of gravitational baby birth power itself. A seance developed to conjure the only true gods: Lucifox and Mousifer. A seance that has yet to succeed. But how has that ever stopped a religion? This time can be the time.
An art/music/performance project by and with Johan Tingne and Johan Frick. Masks/outfits by Jasmin Stolle.
In its most sensational moments conjured in concoction with Thea Åslund, Jon Grumer and Laura Baradic.
Rävulen & Musifers Kattanistiska Sälskap / RMKS
Sedan ursinnes svunna tider, långt innan Krösu förödelse i Getlehem, har människovarelser sökt efter svar i högre makter. Religioner som dyrkar en uppsjö av olika gudisar har lagt grunder till enorma tidsresande människobyar. Men människan tycks inte bli lyckligare eller visare av allt detta humbuggeri och mambojambo utan vrider och vänder på stenar och mynt och fortsätter sin jakt på ”tro” som vore det sockervadd med honung på.
Ett specifikt sälskap har dock under all denna tid remitterat buddhismen tillbaka från nirvana, haft korsfester under rabadabidan medans påskharen sjungit reklamjinglar i jultomtens knä.
Var med när Rävulen & Musifers Kattanistiska Sälskap utövar en seans äldre än självaste graviditionskraften. En seans framarbetad för att frambringa de enda sanna gudarna: Rävulen & Musifer. En seans som aldrig lyckats med detta. Men hur har det någonsin stoppat en religion? Denna gång kan vara gången.
Ett konst-/musik-/performanceprojekt av och med Johan Frick och Johan Tingne. Masker och dräkter av Jasmin Stolle.
I de mest elefantastiska av stunder frammanas gudisarna i samkväm med Jon Grumer, Thea Åslund och Laura Baradic.